Saturday, August 7, 2010

To Do List


That is one of the items on my To Do list.

Don't knock it - if it wasn't on there, it would never happen. You've gotta prioritize and schedule in the important stuff...

Though checking it off the list always seems a little odd.

What do I do if God's will for my life today differs from my To Do list?

Would I even know? Or am I too absorbed in checking the next thing off?

What is my priority?

Am I willing to follow Christ at the expense of my To Do list?

In practical terms, can I keep the grumpies at bay when husband asks me to do something not on the list? When little girlie demands my time even though the vacuuming is the next thing up? When slow traffic impedes my commute to work?

Can I wait with a happy heart when things don't go according to MY plan?

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