Tuesday, August 31, 2010

1/365: Flame

Umm – today was supposed to be Esmé’s first ballet class, so my first shot in the 365 Project was supposed to be memorable…

But plans change, kids get sick, and life requires flexibility.

So let’s take out our brand new point-and-shoot, figure out how to get the battery charged and how to turn the thing on, and see what we get!

Ah hah!  Flame cat!  Sleeping in the doll’s cradle!  Definitely makes me happy.  He’s a glistener, all right.
And the camera works!  Now, to check out the manual…

1 comment:

SisterTipster said...

Your pics have made me smile~the one of your headder and now your little friend here! I'm a cat lover and seems too that he's quite contented in his friend's little cradle...
Have a blessed day!